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About Us


Meet The Governing Body

Barbara Temple

Local Authority Governor. Term of Office – 2021-2025.

Pilgrim School Governor since 2018. No Declarations of Interest. 

Main Role:

Chair of Governors; Head's Performance Management Committee Chair; Safeguarding Governor, SEND Governor; Staffing and Well Being; Link Governor for Home Learners

My Hopes:

  • I hope that all pupils who attend The Pilgrim School are able to feel valued and respected. 

  • I hope to see evidence of renewable energy being used effectively in all our bases.

  • I hope pupils who are starting their Pilgrim School Journey by learning at home are eventually able to join in group activities.


Ian Howells

Co-Opted Governor. Term of Office 2024-2028.

No Declarations of Interest.

Main Role:

Vice Chair of Governors; Curriculum Lead including transition and careers; Head's Performance Management Committee

My Hopes:

I hope that all pupils attending Pilgrim School gain:

  • a sense of hope for their future, 

  • a renewed feeling of achievement, 

  • and are valued as part of the unique Pilgrim School community.


Steve Barnes

Headteacher – Ex Officio Governor since 2015.

Michael Ward

Co-opted Governor. Term of office 2021-2025.

No Declarations of Interest.

Main Role:

Finance Governor; Resources Governor, Pay Committee Chair

My Hopes:

  • I hope that all pupils, whether learning at home or in school, achieve the futures that they aspire to.

  • I hope that the school is well resourced to support the children on their journeys.

  • I hope the school continues to gain support from the wider community to ensure that the childhood dreams of the pupils are realised.


Graham Bratby

Co-opted Governor. Term of Office 2023 - 2027.

Pilgrim Governor since 2018. No Declarations of Interest.

Main Role:

Baumber Link Governor; Pay Committee

My Hopes: 

  • My hope for all our children is that we can ensure they all have the opportunity to develop and grow under our teaching, guidance and support to achieve their full potential at this and future stages of their life.


Jon Stevenson

Staff Governor. Term of Office 2023 - 2027.

No Declarations of Interest.

Main Role:


My Hopes:

  • I hope all pupils across our school are supported to reflect on the progress of theirs and others learning.

  • I hope all leaders will aspire to map academic/hopeful language into the policies, processes and procedures in school.

  • I hope all staff support pupils to identify how they will acquire substantive knowledge in their subjects, and achieve the higher outcomes.


Tony McCarthy

Parent Governor. Term of Office – 2021-2025.

Pilgrim Governor since 2017.

Main Role:

Lincoln Link Governor.

Kate Wilson

Co-opted Governor. Term of Office 2024-2028 

My Hopes:

I hope that pupils continue to feel supported and safe at Pilgrim while receiving the education best suited to their needs.

Imogen Lemon

Clerk to Governors

More information to follow soon.

Get in touch

The Pilgrim School, Carrington Drive,
Lincoln, LN6 ODE

01522 682319