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Stay Safe Partnership Online Events

Please see information about upcoming online events for June from the Stay Safe Partnership.

Stay Safe Partnership’s Upcoming Online Safety Q+A events for Parents

In our 2023 Keeping Safe Survey Lincolnshire showed that effective parental/guardian supervision of a child’s online activity reduced the risk of children being bullied online by up to 39%. Being able to keep up to date with the latest apps and trends in order to keep your children safe can feel like an overwhelming task. The Stay Safe Partnership deliver Online Safety workshops in Primary and Secondary schools across Lincolnshire everyday. In this event we will give you the most up to date information and tools, so you feel confident that you can keep your children safe from online harm whilst still allowing them to explore the online world. Whether you want to know more around age appropriate apps, online trends, parental controls, social media or any other burning questions then this is the event for you! Sign up is required.


Stay Safe Partnerships Online Safety Q+A for Parents of Primary Aged Children 

5th June 2023 6-7:30pm 

FREE TEAMS event sign up required:


Stay Safe Partnerships Online Safety Q+A for Parents of Secondary Aged Children 

19th June 2023 6-7:30 pm 

FREE TEAMS event sign up required:

Navigating Teen Relationships Online TEAMS event for Parents of Secondary Aged Children

When your young person begins to date and become romantically involved with peers, their life can seem exciting, but can also be extremely difficult. Teenagers don’t always like to talk about what is happening in their love life however ‘Navigating teenage relationships’ aims to provide parents and guardians with a toolkit, to support your young person through the complexities of having a healthy relationship.

The Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership (LDAP) will run a one-hour online TEAMS workshop on the 10th June 6-7:30pm. During the evening LDAP will discuss signs of unhealthy relationships, coercive control, love bombing and other red flags to look out for in your teens and where you can get support. The team is also happy to answer any questions you may have through the night.

Staff Online Safety Q+A TEAMS event 11th June 10-11:30am

In this event we will give you the most up to date information around Online trends and apps being used by children and young people in Lincolnshire. We will explore emerging risks and will discuss the tools and resources available to help you support parents, children and young people to stay safe from online harm whilst still getting the most out of this valuable resource.   If you are a professional working with children and young people then this event is a great way to refresh and update your online safety knowledge.

Whether you work for Police, Early Help, Education, Social Care, Mental Health you are welcome to join us. Sign up is required.


Get in touch

The Pilgrim School, Carrington Drive,
Lincoln, LN6 ODE

01522 682319