Week Commencing 29.4.24

Please see tasks below for Key stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Careers for the week commencing 29/4/24.
For friendly feedback, email your work to: yvonne.prendergast@pilgrim.lincs.sch.uk
Key Stage 3 PSHE Topic
Understanding Friendships And Relationships
Know the indicators of positive, healthy relationships including online.
Know the importance of trust in relationships and the behaviours that can undermine or build trust.
It is important to have commitment and trust in friendships and relationships. Commitment involves a mutually agreed promise to behave responsibly and have ties to each other, to show trust, honesty, equality, respect and openness.
There are a range of views towards what is or what is not a committed relationship, eg, ‘serial monogamy’ (moving from one short or long-term relationship straight into another); ‘friend with benefits’ (people who know each other well have regular intimate and sexual encounters but do not share any other emotional or romantic attraction); ‘open relationships’ (both partners agree to having other romantic or intimate relationships in addition to relationships with each other’; ‘hooking up’ or ‘one night stands’ (having a one off intimate relationship without seeing each other in this way again).
There are different types of committed relationships including close friendships; long-term friendships and relationships; engaged couples; married couples; Each of these can be formed by any gender identity or orientation.
Write a statement using key vocabulary to explain your personal views on what a committed relationship means and what it would look like to you.
You could consider commitment to family members, a friend, a team you belong to; a pet; a school relationship and how they may be similar or different to each other. Suggest examples how qualities for commitment and trust might be built and what sort of behaviours may undermine that trust and commitment and the consequences to those involved.
Create an information sheet that gives definitions and examples of qualities and emotions connected to committed relationships such as stability; dedication; honesty; equality; respect; loyalty; faithfulness; bonding; obligation; responsibility; duty; compassion; cherishing; affection
Key Stage 4 PSHE Topic
Relationships And Personal Safety
Recognise the impact of drugs and alcohol on choices and sexual behaviour.
NHS guidelines for safer drinking is 14 units over a week, spaced out with some alcohol-free days. There are risks involved with binge-drinking and the body not being able to process alcohol in a short space of time. (1 hour is generally needed for each unit of alcohol to be processed) but this is often difficult to calculate because different types of alcohol have different strengths and people process alcohol in different ways, for example, according to age and body make up.
Alcohol and drug consumption make people more relaxed and causes loss of inhibitions, heightens emotions, increases risk taking, distorts perceptions and slows down reactions which all have an impact on choices and sexual behaviour.
Although teenage drinking is falling, 70% of 16 – 24 go out to have a good time without getting drunk, young people are more likely to go home alone, or with a stranger, embarrass themselves or their mates, get assaulted, or injured or harm themselves and others after drinking.
There are very strong links between alcohol and risks of unsafe sex, catching STIs, unplanned pregnancy, having drinks spiked and losing control. Teenagers need to be able to identify and manage risk related to alcohol and drug taking to keep themselves safe and always have a plan for getting away from a risky place and seeking support.
The Alcohol Education Trust resource ‘Alcohol And You’ offers facts, tips, and support to make safer choices. Drinkaware.co.uk and life-stuff.org provide advice for 15-25 years on different addictions, including alcohol. Wearewithyou.org.uk provides drug and alcohol treatment, advice, support for young people. Samaritans.org and talkaboutalcohol.com provides interactive games, quizzes and facts about alcohol. If you are worried about yourself, or someone else’s drinking, contact childline.org.uk or telephone: 0800 1111 (freephone) gives confidential help and support. Talktofrank.com and themix.org.uk are also reliable places to seek information, advice and support around alcohol and drugs.
Place the following activities in order of riskiness and suggest what specific risks may arise in each situation:
- drinking alone;
- drinking with a partner or friend in your own house;
- going to a friend of a friend's party with older unknown people;
- drinking with a partner or friend at a party;
- drinking at a school prom;
- drinking at a pub with family;
- drinking when babysitting;
- drinking with a large group of friends in a park;
- drinking on holiday with family;
- drinking at a disco;
- drinking at a festival;
- drinking at your Great Grandma's 70th birthday party.
Suggest how you could avoid or get out of the above situations. The leaflet 'Alcohol and You' will help with suggestions for you do this.
Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Careers
Investigate how to budget for your earnings.
Follow the link below to The NatWest Money Sense website. Play the interactive budget game at the easy or hard level. You will need to read the 'how to' guide first.
You are given a realistic budget which you have to manage for 12 weeks making choices on what to buy, what to sell, what to do and what to save while taking care of your health and wellbeing. You will need to keep an eye on the budget sheet and what you can afford to do. The aim of the game is to stay in the game for 12 weeks.
Start to think about the lifestyle you visualise for yourself in 10 years time. Make a list and start to research prices needed for that life-style e.g. do you want a car? driving lessons? your own home? holidays? A pet? clothes what sort of job and earnings you would need to have that life style.