Week Commencing 3rd January

Please see tasks below for Key stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Careers for the week commencing 3/1/24.
For friendly feedback, email your work to: yvonne.prendergast@pilgrim.lincs.sch.uk
Key Stage 3 PSHE Topic - Balanced Lifestyles
Understand the importance of, and strategies for, maintaining a balance between work, leisure, exercise, and online activities.
A balanced life-style is good for health and wellbeing. This is a balance between physical and mental activity, relaxation and sleep. Leisure time is time not working, therefore time that can be used for enjoyable activities and relaxing.
Choose a way to present ideas on what young people of your age can do for physical activities, mental activities and relaxation both inside and outside the home.
Choose a way to present ideas on what a different age-group can do for physical activities, mental activities and relaxation both inside and outside the home.
Extensions (optional)
Define the terms and differences between ‘working’, ‘relaxing’, ‘leisure’ and sleeping. Are there things some people find to be relaxing or they would do for leisure, others would think it was work e.g. reading puzzles?
Write a reflective paragraph on personal use of time and identify areas in which a balanced life-style is good and areas in which it could be improved.
Write suggestions/targets for realistic improvements.
Key Stage 4 PSHE Topic – Healthy Relationship
Understand the characteristics and benefits of strong, positive relationships, including mutual support, trust, respect and equality.
The following characteristics are accepted as important for relationships to grow and thrive: - trust; mutual support; respect, equality; freedom; loyalty; compromise; negotiation; empathy; kindness; humour; honesty; tolerance; sympathy; shared beliefs and interests; fairness; open-mindedness; generosity; sense of fun; sincerity
Select 10 of the above characteristics which you think are important in a healthy relationship. Give examples of how people can show these characteristics in a relationship.
Extension (optional) ·
Write an article for a life-style website in which you discuss and justify the benefits of the above values and qualities for healthy relationships, why they are important and what may happen if these qualities are missing.
Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Careers
Investigating Career Options
Choose three of the short job videos to watch in the school section of the My Path website at: https://www.mypathcareersuk.com/job-of-the-week. For each of your three chosen jobs, explain whether they would appeal or not appeal to you and why. State whether you would like to find out more about the job or not.
The videos are less than 3 minutes long and have all the key facts. They can also be accessed through The Pilgrim School website: Careers & Post-16 Study/Useful Websites